New music in modern society

New music

Imagine for a moment that there is no music in the world…You’ll agree, it’s a little bit disturbing! After all, music is an important part of society, and it has had a tremendous impact on people since the beginning of life. Remember, when you were little, you could cry to a sad song or dance to a lively and rhythmic one. Music has a great effect on a person’s nervous system and state of mind. It is no wonder doctors advise parents to include newborns classical music, its sounds are so beautiful and harmonious that they can calm the restless child. And so, from birth, music has been part of our culture, part of our daily lives.

Everyone loves to listen to music: babies, children, adults, old people, but especially teenagers and young people. In transportation, in the store, on the street, on couples – there are always a lot of young people who sit and listen to the player. They are the most demanding music fans. Their demanding nature lies in the fact that they always want new music that can, as fully as possible, reflect their state of mind.

Thus, songs that have been playing in the player every day for a month are “terribly outdated” for them. They always want something new: sometimes slow and romantic, sometimes fast and funny, sometimes aggressive, sometimes soothing. All of this can be easily found on the Internet: there are millions of sites that are dedicated to new music.

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